Event Videos

Videos from Theory Study Group Events

Theorising with Art and Music: a joint event from the BSA Sociology of the Arts and Theory Study Groups was held online on 21 June 2023.


Moving Beyond Deference Politics: A conversation about Theory, Politics, and Solidarity with Nathan Rochelle DuFord and Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò - an event sponsored by the BSA Theory Study Group on 20 October 2022.   Link to Event Audio.

Readings of Niklas Luhmann’s System Theory: The Habermas Luhmann Debate with Gorm Harste and The Making of Meaning with Christian Morgner - A BSA Theory Study Group Event on 18 May 2022.


Colonialism and Modern Social Theory: A Conversation between Gurminder K Bhambra, John Holmwood, Ipek Demir, Steve Kemp & Christian Morgner. A BSA Social Theory Study Group event on 10 November 2021

The Last Years of Karl Marx: A Conversation between Marcello Musto, Kevin B. Anderson, Himani Banerji & David N. Smith A BSA Social Theory Study Group Event, on 25 October 2021.


Zygmunt Bauman Selected Writings Volume 1 Art and Culture Book Launch on 30 June 2021.

Social Theory for a Global Age: A Conversation about the Life and Work of W.E.B. Du Bois with Gurminder K Bhambra and Vanessa E. Thompson - a BSA Theory Study Group webinar, 25 March 2021.


'Adorno on Right-Wing Extremism in Late Capitalism' with Matthias Benzer and Juljan Krause - a BSA Theory Study Group event, 19 February 2021.

'The ‘Non-linearity” of Civilising Processes: A Conversation about the Life and Work of Nobert Elias with Michael Dunning' - a BSA Theory Study Group webinar, 13 January 2021.


The Life and Work of Erving Goffman: A Conversation with Peter Lunt - 10 December 2020.

The Life and Work of Zygmunt Bauman: Izabela Wagner and Jack Palmer in Conversation - 2 December 2020.