03/12/2018 10:33:11
Relaunched Social Mobility Commission includes a sociologist for the first time
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04/12/2018 08:55:41
New Sociology of Consumption Study Group: Calls for Expressions of Support
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04/12/2018 12:39:42
Book Giveaway - The Right Amount of Panic: How Women Trade Freedom for Safety
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05/12/2018 15:05:33
Seeing Black History as British History: reflections on the roles of academic routes, creative methods and ‘shadows work’ in mainstreaming the history of mixed race Britain
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12/12/2018 10:44:09
Snobbery today ‘more likely to be about Christmas decorations and other cultural tastes’, says book
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23/11/2018 09:22:06
Read the December Issues of Cultural Sociology, Sociology and Work, Employment and Society!
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31/10/2018 09:40:34
Seeing Black History as British History: recognising mixed race Britain
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31/10/2018 06:54:13
Book Giveaway - White privilege: The myth of a post-racial society
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03/09/2018 10:54:38
A response to the REF consultation on the draft Sociology criteria
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12/09/2018 01:00:33
Degrees from non-elite universities worsen job prospects for privileged women, research says
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12/09/2018 15:44:04
Low-paid workers are moving into better employment despite loss of jobs through automation
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12/09/2018 09:39:50
Legislation on increasing flexible working has failed, research says
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13/09/2018 09:44:48
‘Little improvement for UK gig economy workers’ since major report highlighted their plight
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13/09/2018 09:53:35
People in most deprived areas more likely to die alone at home, research says
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12/09/2018 12:17:09
People living in areas of wealth disparity are more sympathetic to disability, says research
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14/09/2018 09:06:52
Retirement brings health gains, with workaholics benefiting the most, research says
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14/09/2018 02:33:31
Men enjoy their jobs less than they do housework on average, research says
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27/09/2018 02:20:26
Book Giveaway - Self-Injury, Medicine and Society: Authentic Bodies
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08/08/2018 13:31:11
Call for nominations for membership of the BSA Medical Sociology Study Group Committee
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31/08/2018 08:17:44
“A brown face in a sea of white…”* - Princess Sophia Alexandra Duleep Singh, a Sikh suffragette
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31/08/2018 05:50:23
Where is ‘race’ and ethnicity within the history of feminism?: a response to Vote100 by Sheila Quaid
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31/08/2018 03:05:35
Book Giveaway - Winning the Vote for Women: The Irish Citizen newspaper and the suffrage movement in Ireland
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11/07/2018 10:44:31
Barbara Wootton: eminent, influential and (almost) forgotten social scientist
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29/06/2018 10:41:53
Supporting the marginalised with applied sociology: the case of transgender health
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29/06/2018 10:24:59
Book Giveaway - British Social Theory: Recovering Lost Traditions before 1950
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29/05/2018 15:04:08
Contesting #stopIslam: The dynamics of online counter-narratives against hate speech
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30/05/2018 08:28:21
Event Report - BSA-funded workshop for early career researchers about ‘Getting ethics’ Report
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31/05/2018 10:01:00
Sociological musings on running, physical activity and commissioned research
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31/05/2018 10:35:36
When Communities are under stress, more research is the panacea
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06/04/2018 11:13:08
‘The Sociology of Striking and Protesting’ – Durham Sociology UCU Teach Out
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10/04/2018 07:24:21
Failing to match parents’ educational achievements among men can be as distressing as being divorced
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10/04/2018 00:41:49
Footballers’ frequent transfers leave their wives and children feeling lonely
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10/04/2018 00:58:39
Baby apps leave parents feeling guilty and pressured, research says
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10/04/2018 00:01:03
Almost a third of fathers lack access to flexible work arrangements
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11/04/2018 08:45:18
British Asian footballers ignored by scouts from professional clubs, research says
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11/04/2018 08:56:06
Many young East Europeans have experienced more racism and xenophobia since the Brexit vote
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11/04/2018 09:03:24
Distinguished Service to Sociology Award given to Warwick researcher
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11/04/2018 15:41:37
Britons less satisfied with restaurant food and their dining companions
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12/04/2018 01:54:57
Philosophical debate helps make maximum security prisoners less macho and more tolerant
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12/04/2018 01:57:21
Most young Syrian refugees are in work or studying, research says
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12/04/2018 01:00:42
Black people put off cultural events by insensitive white audience, research says
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12/04/2018 12:21:49
Book on how people in rural China cope with pollution wins BBC/British Sociological Association Ethnography Prize
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05/03/2018 08:36:41
Recent Weather was intrinsically Social as well as Environmental
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29/03/2018 07:02:11
The Thinking Allowed/BSA Ethnography Award for 2018 – Shortlist
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09/02/2018 13:21:07
Students debate inequality and sexual harassment at first Youth Assembly
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21/02/2018 08:10:58
BSA Statement on University and Colleges Union (UCU) Strike Action
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12/01/2018 10:31:24
Engaging with Future Social Scientists: BSA Youth Assembly, February 2018
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31/01/2018 08:56:50
Brexit vote was a ‘scream of protest’ against the hijacking of democracy by the rich, says book
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31/01/2018 10:43:43
New BSA book on Higher Education and Social Inequalities published
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31/01/2018 10:13:30
Book Giveaway - Higher Education and Social Inequalities: University admissions, experiences and outcomes
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